We share our stories but we want to know how our stories will help our situation.

Hassan*, 64 It was while Afghanistan was still under communist rule in the 1970s and 1980s that Hassan first feared for his safety. His uncle and cousin were captured by the regime – even today, he is still unsure of…

I had to make a decision to go to jail, die, or leave Afghanistan.

Mirza*, 35 For decades, Hazaras faced laws and rules that dictated their livelihoods. For Mirza*, he knew this struggle too well. “We couldn’t get an education, couldn’t get a better life,” he says. Mirza grew up in Pakistan, but in…

Since I came to Canada, I have connected with everyone. It’s beautiful, you feel safe. No one judges you based on how you look. It makes you feel strong, like you belong to everyone. I wish we had the same thing back in Afghanistan.

Since I came to Canada, I have connected with everyone. It’s beautiful, you feel safe. No one judges you based on how you look. It makes you feel strong, like you belong to everyone. I wish we had the same thing back in Afghanistan